Designing a Dream Craft Room
No matter how little space there is, a maker's home has a "craft room" somewhere. Maybe it's the corner of the kitchen table, a modular nook under the stairs, a whole spare bedroom (mercy me!), or a glorious little shed. We all think about where that all-important nest needs to be, don't we? Recently, I was fortunate enough to buy a post and beam home in Bar Harbor, Maine with a glorious 17' x 15' skylit room that I devote all to myself. Just me me me! (Of course, as I type this, I see my yellow measuring tape has been stolen by the culprit who shares my bedroom 😅). Above all, this was an opportunity to create more room for sewing, the space hog of the craft world. I was done cutting wonky, off-grain pieces on the floor and really wanted a full-size table. I have been sewing since high school, and my college job was sewing costumes for the theater at Wesleyan University. Now THAT was a craft room, my goodness! The on and off-ness of sewing in my life has...